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Congressman Moran Votes to Block Biden’s Harmful Title IX Rule, Protect Women and Girls

Washington, D.C. ­– Congressman Nathaniel Moran (R-TX-01), a member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, spoke on the House floor in support of H.J. Res. 165, introduced by Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-IL-15), which seeks to block the Biden Administration’s Title IX rule that redefines “sex” to include sexual orientation and gender identity. This Congressional Review Act resolution passed the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday with a vote of 210 to 205.

“President Biden has led a crusade against biological reality and common sense,” said Congressman Moran. “This new Title IX rule erodes underlying protections for women and girls. As a father of two young ladies, I am devastated and appalled by the action of the Department of Education. Title IX was written to protect women by ensuring equal opportunities for young women and girls in educational programs. However, this new rule, promoted by radical ideologies, shatters it by redefining sex to include sexual orientation and gender identity.”

“Contrary to the Administration’s new rule, our resolution guarantees a level playing field to uphold athletics’ core principles of integrity and fairness, and it reaffirms that boys will be boys and girls will be girls,” continued Congressman Moran. “Democrats are weaponizing the Department of Education by blurring the lines between men and women, and this new Title IX rule blatantly disregards common sense and the natural laws of this world, and frankly, of God, putting women and girls at a disadvantage and at risk. Our resolution will uphold the original intent of Title IX."

In April, the Biden Administration announced its final Title IX rule that removed female-only spaces such as locker rooms, bathrooms, and other sex-separated areas while also allowing biological males to compete within women’s sports and organizations. This House-passed resolution aims to block the Administration’s final rule.

Click HERE to view Congressman Moran’s full remarks
