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Marshall News Messenger: Congressman Nathaniel Moran votes yes on Congressional check for World Health Organization

Washington, D.C., September 16, 2024
Congressman Nathaniel Moran votes yes on Congressional check for World Health Organization
Marshall News Messenger
September 15, 2024
By Nicholas Osborn

Congressman Nathaniel Moran recently voted to approve the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act, helping it to pass the U.S. House of Representatives in a vote of 219 to 199.

The legislation was cosponsored by Moran and was described as aimed at protecting American sovereignty against the World Health Organization (WHO). H.R. 1425, the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act, would require any convention, agreement, or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response reached by the World Health Assembly to be subject to Senate ratification.

“This legislation aims to preserve our sovereignty by implementing the rightful Congressional check, enshrined in our Constitution, on international agreements by requiring two-thirds approval of the Senate,” explained Moran. “The Biden-Harris Administration should not allow the World Health Organization and United Nations to control our management of pandemic preparation that would surrender our sovereignty.”

Read the full story by the Marshall News Messenger here.