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VIDEO: Congressman Moran Condemns Vice President Harris’ Role in Border Crisis

Moran: Harris Has Overseen the Most Catastrophic Border Crisis in Our Nation’s History

Washington, D.C. ­– Congressman Nathaniel Moran (R-TX-01) spoke on the House floor in favor of a resolution to hold Vice President Kamala Harris accountable for her role in allowing the worst border crisis in American history to occur during her time serving as Border Czar. This resolution was introduced by Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY-21) and passed the U.S. House of Representatives by a vote of 220 to 196.

“As Border Czar, Vice President Harris has overseen the most catastrophic border crisis in our nation’s history,” said Congressman Moran. “As we all know, the failed policies of the Biden-Harris Administration have turned every state in the United States into a border state and led to a record level of illegal immigration, including from individuals on the terrorist watch list. We cannot standby and allow this to happen. These failed policies are a direct assault on the sovereignty, the security, and the strength of the United States.”

Watch Congressman Moran’s full remarks HERE. 

Congressman Moran’s full remarks as delivered:

“Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and thank you, Chairman Green. Today I rise in strong support of House Joint Resolution 1371, introduced by Congresswoman Elise Stefanik. Each day, the failed policies of this Administration become more glaring. And those who implemented the disastrous agenda leading to the current crisis at our border must absolutely be held accountable.

“Today I give my strongest support to this resolution to ensure that Vice President Kamala Harris is held responsible for her role in the Administration's far-left open border policies. As Border Czar, Vice President Harris has overseen the most catastrophic border crisis in our nation’s history.

“As we all know, the failed policies of the Biden-Harris Administration have turned every state in the United States into a border state and led to a record level of illegal immigration, including from individuals on the terrorist watch list. We cannot standby and allow this to happen. These failed policies are a direct assault on the sovereignty, the security, and the strength of the United States.

“Under Harris’ watch, and with her consent and her support, President Biden has issued more than 70 executive orders and policy changes that have brought about this border crisis, something unlike anything we have seen in our nation’s history.

“Illegal immigrants have had free run to abuse our system. Drugs like fentanyl have poured into our communities across our entire country. Individuals with ties to terrorism and to known adversaries of our great Republic have been turned loose inside the United States, including a record level number of Chinese Communist nationals, and because of that Americans are suffering, and we are in danger.

“Despite this, Kamala Harris has visited our Southern Border just once since becoming Border Czar, and for that reason, this resolution is important to hold her accountable for her role in this mess. This resolution is an important part of that accountability and as such, I urge its passage and urge all colleagues to lend its support. Thank you, Mr. Speaker, I yield back.”

The border crisis under the Biden-Harris Administration:

Since President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took office, there have been more than 9.9 million illegal immigrant encounters nationwide and more than 8.1 million illegal immigrant encounters at the Southern Border. The Biden-Harris Administration has failed to remove 99.7 percent of the illegal immigrants that have been released into the United States. Since becoming Border Czar, Kamala Harris has only visited the Southern Border once.

Congressman Moran’s work to combat the border crisis:

Congressman Moran has consistently called out the Biden-Harris Administration for its failed border policies. In January, he introduced House Resolution 957, condemning the national security and public safety crisis at the border and calling on the Administration to end its open border policies. Congressman Moran’s resolution passed the U.S. House of Representatives by a 225-187 vote, with fourteen Democrats joining all Republicans in supporting it.
