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Press Releases

Congressman Moran Celebrates the Right to Life

Washington, D.C. ­– Congressman Nathaniel Moran (TX-01), member of the Education and the Workforce Committee, released the following statement upon passage of the Pregnant Students’ Rights Act (H.R. 6914) and the Supporting Pregnant Women and Families Act (H.R. 6918):

“As a Christian and father of four, protecting the life of every individual is of the utmost importance to me and I am proud to stand for the sanctity of life,” said Congressman Moran. “We have a responsibility to defend the lives of the unborn and stand up against the Democrats’ pro-abortion agenda that is actively working to expand abortion access, resources, and funding.”

Congressman Moran was also recently awarded an A+ score from SBA Pro Life America for his consistent pro-life stances during his first term in Congress. In 2023, Congressman Moran spoke on the House Floor in favor of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (H.R. 26) in one of his first floor speeches.  That bill, which passed the House last January, would require health care practitioners to provide the same degree of care to a child born alive following an abortion as would be provided to any other child born at the same gestational age.


Pregnant Students’ Rights Act

The Pregnant Students’ Rights Act, introduced by Congresswomen Ashley Hinson (IA-02), requires colleges and universities to inform pregnant women on campus of their rights and resources, particularly protections and accommodations available to them to carry their baby to term as a condition of Title IV funding.  Among other things, it:

  • Amends the Higher Education Act to ensure all college students who are pregnant or may become pregnant know their rights and protections to carry a pregnancy to term, like modified class schedules, excused absences, and more.
  • Requires universities to inform students how to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education if there is a violation of Title XI protections for pregnant students.
  • Ensures universities disseminate information regarding the rights and protections for pregnant students to carry a pregnancy to term through emails, student handbooks, at orientation, on publicly available websites, and at student health or counseling centers.

*Courtesy of House Committee on Education and the Workforce Republicans

Supporting Pregnant Women and Families Act

The Supporting Pregnant Women and Families Act, introduced by Congresswomen Michelle Fischbach works to stop the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) from prohibiting states from issuing Temporary Assistance for Needed Families (TANF) funds to vital Pregnancy Resource Centers.  These centers provide essential, life-affirming, support and resources to mothers, and this timely legislation works to counter a 2023 proposed rule from HHS that could target these essential care centers.  In 2019, 2,700 pregnancy centers across the country provided life-affirming services and material support to 2 million people including pregnant women, parents, couples, and families.  The Biden Administration has attempted to steer TANF funds away from these Pregnancy Resource Centers and towards programs that align with the business model of Planned Parenthood.  This Act would stop that.

*Courtesy of House Committee on Ways and Means Republicans

SBA Pro-Life America:

The SBA Pro-Life America Scoreboard considers votes and action taken by legislators to determine their pro-life score. SBA Pro-Life America’s mission is to end abortion by electing national leaders and advocating for laws that save lives. Congressman Moran was awarded an A+ score from SBA Pro-Life America.
