Washington, D.C. – Congressman Nathaniel Moran (TX-01) joined Congressman Chris Smith (NJ-04), Bob Fu of ChinaAid, Deana Brown of Freedom Seekers International, and Pastor Pan Yongguang of the Mayflower Church to advocate for religious freedom on a global-level at a press conference yesterday morning at the House Triangle.
The full press conference is available HERE. Congressman Moran’s remarks begin at 12:56.
Topline Quotes from Rep. Moran:
“It [religious freedom] is something the world desires and we see that in the Mayflower Church – and Xi Jinping knows this – that if you give liberty to people, if you give religious liberty to people, they’re going to want additional liberties. They’re going to demand additional liberties. They’re going to demand democracy.”
“East Texans have embraced the Mayflower Church – providing food, housing, clothing, and living out the Gospel scripture day after day to ensure that we can provide the basic things so that they can begin their journey here in America.”
“We live in a land of liberty because it is founded on the gospel – from that, we have the ability to practice our faith freely and associate with others freely.”
“Pastor Pan, you are a model of strength, of courage, of boldness, of leadership… it is a great example of what America should continue to be.