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Congressman Moran Votes No on Continuing Resolution

Washington, D.C., September 25, 2024

Washington, D.C. ­– Congressman Nathaniel Moran (R-TX-01) released the following statement after voting against the Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act of 2025:

“I voted no on today’s ‘clean’ continuing resolution (CR) because it neither reduced spending, nor resulted in substantial policy wins that we would not have otherwise gotten through regular order. And, it only provided funding through December 20th. Congress must take fiscal responsibility seriously and return to a full-year appropriations process that results in 12 bills that are crafted, evaluated, and debated with thoughtful input from Members both in committee and on the House floor.

“Last week, Speaker Johnson proposed a compromise plan I supported that would have funded our government while also providing leverage to pass critical election integrity reform through the Democrat-run Senate. Unfortunately, that measure fell short, leading to today’s ‘clean’ CR. I commend Speaker Johnson’s work crafting legislation narrow enough to prevent Senate Democrats from packing it full of wasteful spending and pet projects, but I do not believe a vote for today’s spending bill would have accurately represented the values of East Texas. As such, I could not support it.”
