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Congressman Moran Votes to Impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas, Condemning Open Border Policies

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congressman Nathaniel Moran (TX-01) released the following statement after voting to impeach U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas:

“Impeachment is a tool that should not be taken lightly. House Republicans have conducted a thorough review and investigation of the actions the Department of Homeland Security has taken under Secretary Mayorkas, which found not only did he ignore his statutory and Constitutional duty to secure the border, but he also actively worked against those mandates put in place to protect and secure our southern border. Based on this comprehensive investigation and the current state of the border, it is clear that Alejandro Mayorkas should be held accountable for his actions that put at risk the safety of our Republic and those here legally. During his tenure, Secretary Mayorkas willfully and blatantly ignored federal immigration laws, and in turn, violated his oath of office,” Congressman Moran continued. “East Texans have had enough of the chaos unfolding at our southern border. Accountability is required, which is why I voted today to impeach Secretary Mayorkas.”


These articles of impeachment follow a nearly year-long investigation conducted by the House Committee on Homeland Security under the leadership of Chairman Mark Green (R-TN), which found that DHS Secretary Mayorkas is "chiefly responsible for the chaos and devastation that has unfolded over the past three years" at America's borders. 

Click HERE to read the articles of impeachment. 

Click HERE for more information about the impeachment of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary.

(Courtesy of the House Committee on Homeland Security)

On January 18, 2024, Congressman Moran led the passage of House Resolution (H.Res.) 957which condemns the Biden Administration’s open borders policies and calls on President Biden to end these policies immediately. The resolution passed the House of Representatives by a 225-187 vote, with fourteen Democrats joining all Republicans in supporting its passage. The passage of the resolution served as a rare bipartisan rebuke of the national security and public safety crisis caused by Biden Administrations’ open border policies and reaffirmed the need to pass meaningful border security legislation like H.R. 2.

In addition to the passage of this House resolution, Congressman Moran reaffirmed the need to continue pushing for passage of H.R. 2 and its key provisions codifying needed border security reforms. Congressman Moran has been focused on the issue of border security since day one of taking office. Last year, Congressman Moran was one of only eight original co-sponsors, and the only freshman original co-sponsor, to the toughest border security bill passed in decades — H.R. 2 the Secure the Border Act of 2023, which includes the Congressman’s Visa Overstays Penalties Act. His first bill filed in Congress also addressed border security — H.R. 672 the Border Security Investment Act.

To watch Congressman Moran’s remarks on the passage of H. Res. 957, click HERE.

