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RELEASE: Congressman Moran on the Wrongful Investigation of the 2016 Trump Campaign

  • Rep. Moran Official Portrait

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Nathaniel Moran (TX-01) released the following statement after the House Judiciary Committee’s hearing on the Durham Report, which revealed the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) politically motivated investigation into President Trump’s 2016 campaign:

“The FBI has a duty to serve and protect the American people by conducting thorough investigations with due process, and I am disturbed by the revelation that the FBI launched an unsubstantiated, politically motivated investigation into the Trump Campaign, as revealed in the Durham Report. The facts show that, despite decades of established procedures on how to handle investigations, when the moment came to rise above political bias came, the FBI buckled under the weight of its own desire to take down then-candidate Trump, and ultimately cost the taxpayers millions of dollars in investigations.

“Thank you to Chairman Jim Jordan and Republican leadership for bringing this report to light, allowing the American people to see the corruption from unelected bureaucrats within FBI leadership in their attempt to undermine the 2016 Presidential Election.”

The Congressman’s full line of questioning and final remarks can be viewed HERE.

The Durham Report in its entirety can be viewed HERE.