Dear Friend,
From the moment I was sworn into office, I vowed to be transparent with you regarding my work in Congress, and to get consistent feedback from you on issues. During my fifth Tele-Townhall earlier this week, I spoke with many of you who shared concerns about the current debt ceiling discussion, and Congressional activities to avoid a default and reduce government spending. When asked, 74% of attendees responded that they would support raising the debt ceiling so long as they were accompanied by long-term spending cuts.
Let’s take a step back and look at the big picture. We have a spending problem, not a revenue problem. For two decades, federal spending has greatly outweighed revenue – leading to an annual deficit that has brought our national debt to an astounding $31.46 Trillion. But, this is not because revenues have been stagnant; it’s because spending has overwhelmed revenue.
Just look back over the years since Republicans passed the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Since that time, revenue actually increased from $3.99 Trillion in FY 2017 to $4.90 Trillion in FY 2022. Unfortunately, over that same period of time, spending increased from $4.79 Trillion in FY 2017 to $6.27 Trillion in FY 2022 – driving our deficit and our national debt higher and higher.
If the government will refrain from over-spending, inflation will recede. If the government will refrain from over-regulation and over-taxation, the economy will thrive and revenues will soar. That combination will help restore fiscal sanity to our nation.
The Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023 – the largest proposed spending cut in American history, which would return spending to Fiscal Year 2022 levels and constrain future spending to just a 1% increase per year over the next ten years – was a good start. Let's hope that momentum continues, and that the willingness to cut spending and cut regulations spreads to both sides of the aisle.
During the Senior Awards Ceremony at Cumberland Academy last week, I had the honor of presenting Asher Jordan with the ceremonial Red, White, and Blue cords, which he will wear during his upcoming graduation ceremony in recognition of his upcoming military service. This fall, Asher will be attending the United States Air Force Academy, where upon graduation, he will go on to serve our Nation in the Air Force. Thank you for your commitment and future military service!
To learn more about the Service Academy Nomination process through my office, please visit my website by clicking HERE or call (903) 561-6349 and request to speak with our Service Academy Coordinator.
No one understands the needs of East Texas students more than those directly involved in their education – parents, and East Texas educators and administrators. During the House Committee on Education and the Workforce's recent Hearing, I expressed this sentiment to Secretary Cardona, who – to my surprise – agreed that local control of education matters. Now, let’s press him to put the “walk” along with the “talk.”
As your voice in Congress, it is my responsibility to advocate on behalf of East Texans – and ensure that authorities from other states, like California and New York, do not have influence over our children’s education. Thank you, educators, for a great year and for all that you do for our kids. We appreciate you and we support you!
House Republicans plan to bring H.R. 467, the HALT Fentanyl Act, to the House Floor tomorrow for a vote. This legislation will permanently classify Fentanyl-related substances as Schedule 1 narcotics - the most serious and dangerous classification of a drug. It also establishes a refined process for research on Schedule 1 drugs to ensure that companies and researchers cannot abuse access to dangerous compounds.
During my recent townhall, 95% of participants shared my concern about the rise in Fentanyl-related overdoses throughout the nation. To play my part in combatting the opioid crisis, I introduced legislation earlier this year that would sanction Mexican individuals for their direct, or indirect, involvement in the manufacturing, distributing, of transferring illicit Fentanyl. This is the first step in holding corrupt Mexican officials and cartels for their role in the deaths of thousands of Americans.
To learn more about my bill to sanction those involved with the Fentanyl crisis, please click HERE. To learn more about H.R. 467, please click HERE.
Upon my return from Washington last week, I joined Mr. Terry Cooper and his group of early risers for breakfast at Chick-Fil-A. During this meal, I delivered an update on my work in Washington and heard from them about their concerns.
We also discussed the values of family, faith, and freedom – what they mean to us, and how we use these values to serve our community. And, we did the most important thing we could do – together, we prayed for our nation.
Nathaniel Moran Member of Congress