Earlier this month, my wife and I joined thousands of eager parents across East Texas in waking up early, pulling our kiddos out of bed, getting them dressed and ready for the day, and finally sending them off to their first day of the new school year.
I can still remember the impact that my schoolteachers and mentors had on my life’s trajectory. They encouraged me, taught me discipline, and inspired to me to strive for excellence in every area of my personal and professional life. This remains true of our educators across East Texas.
While schools in many corners of our country have lost focus on what really matters in the education of our children, we in East Texas are blessed with educators, administrators, and school boards that are committed to partnering with parents and families to prepare our children for a successful future.
In recent weeks, I have been blessed with the chance speak to hundreds of teachers, administrators, and staff from school districts across the region – Mount Pleasant ISD in Titus County, Lindale ISD in Smith County, Waskom ISD in Harrison County, and Atlanta ISD in Cass County. I took these opportunities to encourage and thank them for their tireless work on behalf of our community.
Abraham Lincoln once said, “The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation is the philosophy of government in the next.” As our kids head back to school, we should be thankful for the local educators that we have been blessed with, and we should commit to working alongside them to lay a foundation for the future of our country and our world for generations to come.
Welcome back to school!
To view my recent message to parents and educators across our community, click HERE.