As you know, committee work has begun in earnest. The House Committee on Education and the Workforce held its first series of hearings on the state of education. As a member of that committee, I was pleased to remind the committee, in our first hearing, of a long-standing unanimous U.S. Supreme Court opinion from 1925 that reaffirmed that “the parental right to guide one’s child intellectually and religiously is a most substantial part of the liberty and freedom of a parent.” Pierce v. Society of Sisters 268 U.S. 510 (U.S. 1925).
Parents should be at the center of the education of their children—whether that schooling occurs through the public school system, private, parochial, charter, at home, or otherwise. Let’s work together to increase the voice of parents and reduce interference from the federal government.
To hear my full Committee remarks from that hearing, please click HERE.