The Agricultural industry is the backbone of our nation. So, to kick off my week back in Texas, I traveled southeast to visit the Whitworth Cattle Company and the Hunt Livestock Exchange, both in Henderson – in addition to the Dietert Poultry Farm in Laneville. While visiting, I was joined by representatives from the Texas Farm Bureau and other agricultural leaders to discuss how the cost of labor, fuel, and fertilizer is hurting the bottom line for those across the industry.
Regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency have covered our cattle and poultry farmers in red tape – even as they are working to recover from the pandemic. Rather than overregulating the industry, we need to support our farmers and ranchers with policies that encourage growth and innovation.
As Congress begins to consider the 2023 Farm Bill, input from our local agricultural leaders will be vital. I look forward to working with our ranchers, farmers, foresters, and the entire agricultural community in East Texas to ensure that our interests are considered when developing this important legislation.